You could win a pair of Natas shoes in this competition, and I’ve no doubt that everyone who entered stood a very good chance. To enter you had to design a pair of shoes. Competitions which involved serious work like that only ever got a small number of entries, so those who took the trouble had the odds stacked in their favour.
2 responses to “Etnies Shoes Competition, 1989”
I used to skate wearing ‘Etnics’ before they had to change their name due to some legal issue or other (which confused me no end). I think this was in the days before they had any high-profile pro’s like Natas endorsing their products. I heard that Pierre André bought the company. It’s a good job a lot of those freestyle skaters had good business sense…
By the way, they were the raddest shoes ever!
Freestyle skaters and business? Too right! Don Brown’s another obvious one in this context. How about Rodney Mullen, Steve Rocco, Jeremy Fox, Frank Messman, Per Welinder and Paul Sunman as well. I’m sure the list goes on and on (in no particular order and I’m sure I’ve missed some very obvious examples)…